
Blondes really do have more fun. Being blonde isn't easy, though. It's high maintenance, expensive, and a pain in the ass. You fake blondes out there know what I'm talking about. Don't worry! I'm here to help! I won't exaggerate like your hair stylist does while trying to talk you out of it.

If you're planning on going blonde,  you need to be sure you really want to be a blonde. I tried going blonde 3 times before, all times I got impatient, gave up, and dyed my hair back to black. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it is a process. It's a (slow) gradual process. You could bleach your head 3-4 times and have gorgeous yellow mush on your head, but I don't recommend it. This takes me to my first tip:

1. GO SEE A PROFESSIONAL!!!!!! - NO you don't know what you're doing and NO your hair probably can't take 4 bleachings to get you from black to platinum. I made the mistake of trying to go blonde on my own and it was a disaster. I had about 3 years of black dye on my hair and it took about a year to get down to the light blonde I am now, with the help of an amazing hair stylist of course. I'm still not where I want to be. I get full or partial highlights every 6 weeks along with my roots. Find a talented stylist you trust and you will be fine. Going blonde gradually is so worth it when your hair is in good condition. Cotton candy hair isn't cute, white or not.

2. Moisturizing and Repairing Shampoo (Wen by Chaz Dean) - I use Wen by Chaz Dean and I swear by it. Go pick yourself up some now! It is sold at Sephora or you can order on QVC for great deals. When your hair is being tortured by bleach, you really want to be using a moisturizing shampoo. Stay away from clarifying. Lather is not your friend. You think it is until it turns on you and turns your beautiful hair into a brassy mess. I can't say that my hair is damage free because of this, but it's almost damage free.

3. Purple/Blue Shampoo (Schwarzkopf Color Save Silver Shampoo) - This is the only purple shampoo I recommend (Step away from the Shimmer Lights!). It is the only purple shampoo I've used that actually kills the brass. It leaves you with a beautiful clean yellow and orange free blonde in just 1-4 minutes! If it's left in too long or used to often, it can give you a purple tint. Use it once or twice a week. It can also be a bit drying, so be sure to use a...

4. Deep Conditioner (Bumble and bumble Mending Masque) - A blonde's best friend. A deep conditioner is the most essential part of a fake blonde's hair care routine. You can use it every time you wash your hair if your hair really needs the moisture, or you can use it after every time you wash with purple shampoo. Leave it in for 5 minutes to 2 hours, too much moisture isn't such a bad thing. I recommend the Bumble and bumble Mending Masque. It was introduced to me by my hair stylist and it is gold. It's almost unbelievable how soft it leaves your hair!

*These are all the products I recommend and work for me, but feel free to substitute with your holy grails. Mine are better, though.


  1. Thank you for being honest. Not that I'm a blonde of any I just enjoy the straightforwardness!

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.

    1. All the people who sugar coat going blonde got me in a lot of trouble and in a lot of disappointment, lol. :(



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