
There is nothing more exciting than discovering a designer with lustful portfolios where it seems like they just get you, you know? A design soul mate, if you will. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, you develop a designer crush! I decided to start a new series where I share my crushes, and maybe you'll start crushing, too!

There is no better way to kick off this series than with a designer right here in my city, El Paso, Texas. My first Designer Crush is Megan Feuille at Paloma Interior Design. Megan brought her talent and interior design firm to El Paso, Texas from Austin in Fall 2012. She describes her aesthetic as, "a balanced mix of masculine and feminine, traditional and contemporary, high and low; lending beautiful results to each of her projects."

Spot on. You can't help but swoon over the bright pops of color and fabulous modern touches. I am a black and white girl at heart, but the way she pulls together brights and neutrals has inspired me!

Amazing, right? These spaces just feel like home!

To check out the rest of her portfolio, visit her website Paloma Interior Design. Paloma Interior Design consults clients locally and statewide (My Texas friends, she's your girl!) If you are interested in design services, visit Megan's contact page here.

*All photos from


  1. I'm definitely now crushing on Feuille too! My condo seems so shabby compared to these designs! lol. Thanks for the inspo! ;D

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.



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