DIY Shoe Fun!


This morning was no different from normal routine, watching all the new YouTube videos from the people in subscribed to, when somehow I got the idea to look up "DIY Shoes". Well I can say this took my 90% of my morning, so into it I didn't even realize the time! It is true that time flies when you're having fun. All the glitter-fying and spray painting gave me millions of ideas!

I recently listed two pairs of shoes on Poshmark (see my post on Poshmark here.) yesterday. They are a few years old and have just been sitting in my closet just as long as i've had them. Well not anymore! I was really inspired to try and transform these shoes into something I love. There is nothing wrong with them now except for the color of them not being so pretty. I am going to be doing some DIY work on these shoes and will be sure to show you all when I'm finished!

These GORGEOUS Yves Saint Laurent DIY of their Palais Mohawk totally inspired me and these will be the first I attempt!

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Credit to

I'm also excited to try the glitter soled shoe. A lot of my boring shoes can use some of this glitter love!

I love how the beautiful nude glitter subtly enhances the nude patent! To die for!

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From NeverNakedBlog

I'm also planning on experimenting on creating my own DIY pair of the Celine fur pumps! 

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But now for the most breathtaking shoes, I came across this woman on YouTube who made the most beautiful Christian Louboutin inspired heels ALL HAND MADE! Check this out...

Can you believe she did that all with tiny crystals by hand? These looks exactly like the Louboutin pair, I would think they were straight from the Christian Louboutin store! I am obsessed. Be sure to check her YouTube Channel and also read the description for these beauties, she also left an E-Mail to contact her to get a price quote on making these shoes for you. I'm almost tempted...


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